1 of 36

Explanatory - General information

  1. The Group of the transaction and its alphabetic identification in the 10 digit codes are as follows:-

(a) Assets - " A "

(b) Liabilities - " L "

(c) Income - " I "

(d) Expenditure/Cost - " C "

  1. The Asset and Liabilities codes are classified as per the published heads of the Balance Sheet, as Main Head and Sub-Head and the item code.

  2. The Main Head and the Sub-Head in respect of the Assets and Liabilities Codes are as follows:

    Main Head/Sub-Head in respect of Liabilities:

002 Capital Reserves

201 Capital Reserves

202 Capital Assets Replacement Reserve

003 Revenue Reserves

301 General Reserves

302 Revenue Account – General

303 Reserve for Development & Repayment of Loans & Contingencies

005 Depreciation on Capital Assets

006 Capital Debts

007 Pension & Other Funds

701 Pension Fund

702 General Provident Fund

703 HBA Special Family Benefit Fund

704 General Insurance Fund

705 Employees Welfare Fund

706 Family Security Fund

707 Escrow Fund

Main Head/Sub-Head in respect of Liabilities:

008 Current Liabilities

801 Salaries & Wages

802 Exgratia Payable under VRS

803 Creditors for Stores

804 Accrued Expenses

805 Unadjusted Sale proceeds of unclaimed goods & Surplus Materials

806 Miscellaneous Creditors & Credit Balances

807 Deposits from Merchants & Others

Main Head/Sub-Head in respect of Assets:

021 Capital Assets at Original Cost

022 Investments

023 Current Assets

001 Stores and Materials

002 Sundry Debtors

003 Deposits

004 Accrued Interest

005 Payment in Advance and Debit Balances

006 Balance at Bank

007 Cash on Hand

Separate Head

031 Transaction regarding Funds

701 Pension Fund

702 General Provident Fund

703 HBA Special Family Benefit Fund

704 General Insurance Fund

705 Employees Welfare Fund

706 Family Security Fund

707 Escrow Fund

  1. Similarly, the Income and Expenditure Codes are classified as per the published heads of Revenue Account.

Main Head

1 Cargo Handling and storage

2 Port and Dock Facilities for shipping (including Pilotage)

3 Railway Working

4 Rentable Lands and Buildings

5 Management and General Administration

6 Finance and Miscellaneous Income/Expenditure

7 Transfer to /Appropriations from - Revenue Account

5. The classification of codes in the new system should be made as follows:

(a) In Respect of Asset and Liabilities

Main Head

Sub Head

Alphabetic Identification




A or L as the case may be


(b) In Respect of Income

Principal Activity

Department Budget Centre Identification @

Sub Activity

Alphabetic Identification







@ The respective Departments (with relevant identification) – which are responsible for the collection of Income are as follows:-

Cargo Handling Charges – related to the Traffic Department – 11

Port & Dock Charges - related to the Marine Department – 31

Railway Workings - related to the Traffic Department - 11

Estate Rentals - related to the Engineering Department (CB) – 43

Finance & Miscellaneous Income – Budget Centre (76)

(c) In Respect of Expenditure

Principal Activity

Department Budget Centre Identification

Type of Expenditure

Alphabetic Identification

Cost Centre Code









Classification of Departments Budget Centre Ledger Codes

Operating Departments 10 - 39

Engineering Departments 40 - 59

Administrative Departments 60 - 75

Finance and Miscellaneous Expenditure 76

Operating Departments Budget Centre Codes (10 - 39)

Traffic Department - General 11

Traffic Department - Railways 13

Marine Department - General 31

Marine Department - Port Fire Service 32

Engineering Departments Budget Centre Codes (40 - 59)

Engineering Department - Dredging, Salvage

and Marine Survey 42

Engineering Department - Civil 43

Engineering Department - Railways 44

Engineering Department - Mechanical 51

Engineering Department - Electrical 53

Administrative Departments Budget Centre Codes (60 - 99)

Chairman's & Secretary's Department 61

Central Industrial Security Force 62

Medical Department 64

Stores Department 66

Finance Department 68

Electronic Data Processing Centre 69

Finance and Miscellaneous Expenditure 76




Particulars Expenditure Type Code

Salaries and Wages 100 - 199

Stores 200 - 299

General Expenses 300 - 399

Sundry Expenses 400 - 699

Finance & Miscellaneous Expenditure 750 - 794

Revenue Clearing Accounts 796 - 800

Type of Expenditure Type Explanation Code

I. SALARIES & WAGES (100 - 199)

Salaries & Wages – General 101

Over Time Allowance - General 108

Salaries & Wages - Operation of Plant 110

Over Time Allowance - Operation of plant 118

Over Time Allowance - Repairs and Maintenance 124

Salaries & Wages - Repairs & Maintenance 130

Salaries & Wages - Encashment of E.L. 151

Salaries & Wages - Arrears 160

Salaries & Wages – Productivity Linked Reward 161

II. STORES (200 – 299)

Stores – General 201

Stores - Stationery & Printing 202

Stores – Medicines 203

Stores - Surgical & Medical Instruments 204

Stores – Uniform (Including stitching charges & 205

foot wear).

Stores - Chemicals for hospital 208

Stores - Linen Items for Hospital 209

Stores - Operation of Plant 210

Stores - Repairs & Maintenance 230


Telegraphs, Postage & Revenue Stamps 310

Travelling Allowances - Official 320

Travelling Allowances - Training 321

Travelling Allowances – Medical Treatment 322

Leave Travel Concessions 330

Medical Expenses of Retired Employees referrals - 334

Medical Expenses (including reimbursements) 335

Hospital diet charges 336

Payment under Workmen's Compensation Act 340

Purchase of Furniture, Office Equipments, etc. 350

Miscellaneous Expenses 370

New Minor Works 380



Claim for Goods 412

Hire of vehicles and transport charges 413

Charges for Hiring of Tugs 414

Charges for hiring of Patrol Boats - 415

Charges for hiring of Pilot Launches - 416

Water Charges 450

Electricity Charges 481

Sundry Expenses - Operation of Plant 570

Sundry Expenses - Repairs & Maintenance 580

Repairs & Maintenance through contracts 581

Advertisement & Publicity 588

Office Machine hire and Servicing 589

Cost of Books/Journals 590

Trustees Fees & Allowances (Including TA) 611

Entertainment 612

Port Security 613

Sundry expenses - Cargo/Vessel related services 614

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes 615

Legal charges 617

Printing & Publishing 618

Telephones 619

Training Expenses 620

Research & Development Expenses 621

Professional Service charges 631

Port's Contribution to E.S.I Scheme -680

Audit & Accountancy 681

Insurance 682

Rates & Taxes 683

Donations & Contributions 684

Licence Fees 685

Fringe Benefit Tax 686

Rent paid on leased buildings 687

Expenditure on Port Schools 688

Expenditure pertaining to IPA 689

Expenditure on cyclone, Earthquake,Tsunami, etc., 690

Un-adjustable portion of Service Tax 691

Depreciation 699

V. OTHERS (700 - 749)

Inter-Departmental charges & Transfers

- Salaries and Wages(Rep & Mtc.) 711


Ex-gratia Payment on VRS 752

Pension Payments 754

Contribution to New Pension Fund Scheme 755

Payment of Pension 756

Contribution to Socio Economic Development 757

Bank Commission and charges 758

Contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility Fund 759

Interest on Loan from Government of India 761

Interest on Loan from Other Major Port 763

Interest on Loan from Other Institution 764

Stores Adjustments (Shortage of Stock only) 775

Loss on sale /Redemption of Investments 776

Loss on Disposal of Capital Assets 777

Loss on Disposal of Stores/Others 778

Expenditure relating funds other than GPF, Pension fund and Gratuity fund 779

Expenditure relating to previous years -

Salaries & Wages 786

Expenditure relating to previous years -

Expenditure relating to previous years – Depreciation 794

Expenditure relating to previous years – Others 795





Principal Activity and Code Cost Centre Ledger Codes

1 Cargo Handling and storage 001 - 099

2 Port and Dock Facilities for shipping

(including Pilotage) 100 - 199

3 Railway Working 200 - 249

4 Rentable Lands and Buildings 250 - 299

5 Management and General Administration 300 - 399

6 Finance and Miscellaneous Expenditure 476

7. Appropriations From Revenue Account 900 - 910


 (001 – 099)

Code and particulars Cost Centre Explanation


001. SUB-ACTIVITY: Handling and storage of General cargo at sheds and wharves

(001 - 029)

a) Expenditure on Wharves, Transit sheds and Building:

Transit sheds and Buildings at Wharf -Zone A 014

Transit Sheds and Buildings - Zone B 018

Jetties and Piers - Zone B 021

Quays and Berths (South Break Water) 024

Fumigatorium 027

002. SUB-ACTIVITY: Ware Housing (030 - 039)

Warehousing – Establishment 034

Expenditure on Warehouses 037

Ele. Supply to Traffic- Open spaces for

storage of cargoes 038

003. SUB-ACTIVITY: Cranes, Forklifts and other handling Equipments (040 - 059)

Wharf Cranes 040

Mobile Cranes 044

Forklift Trucks 048

Front End Loaders 052


CARGO HANDLING AND STORAGE (001 – 099)(Continued)

Top Lift Truck 054

Other Cargo Handling Equipments 055

Weigh Bridges and Weighing Machines 057

004. SUB-ACTIVITY: Coal Jetty and Installations (060 -069)

Expenditure on Coal Jetty 065

005. SUB-ACTIVITY: Oil Jetty and Installations (070 - 074)

Expenditure on Oil Jetty 070

Oil Pipe Lines 073

006. SUB-ACTIVITY: Ferry Service  (075 - 079)

Ferry Service  - C 075


Traffic Department - Office Establishment 080         90% Cargo Handling & Storage – Deptt. O.H.-

C.C.080. 10% Railway working - Deptt. O.H.- C.C.220.

Traffic Department - Motor Vehicles 085

Road Maintenance 090                        Fixed % shall be transferred from C.C.280 at the end of the year.

Refund/Adjustment of excess cargo related charges  091

Traffic Department - Trade Promotion 092

New Minor Works-Cargo Handling and Storage 095

Depreciation - Cargo Handling and Storage. 098


001. SUB-ACTIVITY: Towing, Berthing and Mooring (100 - 119)

Operation & Maintenance of Tug Porunai 100

Operation & Maintenance of Tug Indira Gandhi 106

Operation & Maintenance of Tug Thiruvalluvar 107

Operation & Maintenance of Tug Pearl city 108

Operation & Maintenance of M.T. Tuticorin 109



002.SUB-ACTIVITY:Maintenance of Dry Dock,Slip Way etc., (120-124)

Dry Dock at Extension Port 120

003. SUB-ACTIVITY: Pilotage (125-139)

Operation & Maintenance of M.L. Bharathi 126

Operation & Maintenance of M.L. Cholan 127

Operation & Maintenance of M.L. Veeravanchi 128

Operation & Maintenance of M.L.Tuticorin 129

Hiring of Pilot Launches  130

Operation & Maintenance of M.L. Nallathanni  131


(INCLUDING PILOTAGE) (100 - 199)(Continued)

Pilot Office - Establishment 132 60% C.C.132. 40% C.C.188

Signal Station 135

Navigational Aids - Buoys, Beacons, etc. 137

004. SUB-ACTIVITY: Berth/Dock Facilities (140 - 149)

a) Docks & Harbour Walls(including revetment) 148

005. SUB-ACTIVITY: Port Services - Dredging, Marine Survey and other services

(150 - 164)

Operation & Maintenance of Pollution Control System 150

Maintenance of Dredging 151

Operation & Maintenance of Mud Punts & Dumb

Barges-Barge Saharam. 152

Operation & Maintenance of Oil Spill Response Equipment - 153

Operation & Maintenance of Marine Survey Launches & Survey 154 M.L. Pearlin boats

Marine Survey Office - Establishment & General 160

Repairs & Maintenance of Break Waters 162

006. SUB-ACTIVITY: Water supply to shipping (165 - 169)

Operation & Maintenance of Water Barge "KAVERI" 165

Operation & Maintenance of Water Barge "VAIGAI" 166

Operation and Maintenance of water Barge "MAHANANDHA" 167

Water supply (including Maintenance of pipelines

for water supply) 168

(includes Salaries & Wages of staff engaged in Water supply, Operation &

Maintenance of Reservoirs tanks and Water lines, Water charges, Sundry

stores like hose, etc.)

007. SUB-ACTIVITY: Miscellaneous ship Handling Facilities (170-179)

Operation & Maintenance of Motor Launches (others) 170

Operation & Maintenance of Mooring Launches 173 MB Veena & MB Meera

Operation & Maintenance of other small boats and vessels 176

Operation & Maintenance of Dolphin-100 T

Oil Bilge water collection barge 177

Other facilities 178

008. SUB-ACTIVITY: Fire Fighting (180 - 184)

Fire Station 180

Fire Service - Motor vehicles 182

Operation and maintenance of Fixed fire fighting system 183


(INCLUDING PILOTAGE) (100 - 199) (Continued)


Deputy Conservator's Office Establishment 188 60% C.C.132 40% C.C.188

Deputy Conservator's Office Motor vehicles 190

Refund /Adjustment of excess collection of Vessel related charges 191

New Minor Works – Pilotage 195

New Minor works - Port and dock facilities

for shipping (excluding pilotage) 196

Depreciation – Dredging 197

Depreciation - Pilotage 198

Depreciation - Port and dock facilities for shipping (excluding pilotage and Dredging) 199


001. SUB-ACTIVITY: Operation & Maintenance of Locomotives, Maintenance of

Permanent Way, Station Yards and Sidings, etc. (200 - 219)

Operation and Maintenance of Locomotives 200

Maintenance of Permanent Way 205

Maintenance of Station Yards and Siding 210


Traffic Department - Office Establishment 220 10% of Traffic Department Office Establishment.

Refund/adjustment of excess collection of railway earnings 221

New Minor works - Railway working 225

Depreciation - Railway working 235


(250 - 299)

001. SUB-ACTIVITY: Residential Quarters - Maintenance & Sanitation (250 - 264)

Residential Quarters 250

Free units to employees in Residential Quarters 251

Chairman's Quarters - Zone`B' 254

Coal Mazdoor's Buildings - Zone`B' 256

Harbour Bungalow 258

Residential Quarters - General facilities and Sanitation 260


(250 – 299)

002. SUB-ACTIVITY: Non-Residential Area-Maintenance and sanitation (265 - 279)

Shopping Centre 275


Road Maintenance 280

(The whole expenditure shall be booked against this cost Centre code and a fixed percentage will

be transferred to cost Centre code 090 at the end of the financial year.)

Plantations 285

Other facilities 290

Refund/Adjustment of excess collection of estate rental 291

Estate Officer's Establishment 292

New Minor works - Rentable Lands and buildings 295

Depreciation - Rentable Lands and buildings 298

5.GENERAL OVERHEADS: Management and General


(300 - 399)

001.SUB-OVERHEAD:Management & Secretarial Expenses (300 - 399)

Port Management 301

(To include Chairman's and Deputy Chairman's salary and Office Expenses, Trustees fees ,

Maintenance of PABX, Telex, Teleprinter etc.)

Implementation & Monitoring of quality system

under ISO 9000 302

Secretary's Department Establishment 303

Secretary's Department Motor Vehicles 305

Vigilance Department Establishment 306

Towage & Mooring charges (Vessels Foreign) -  307
Transfer from Pilotage Fees

Towage & Mooring charges (Vessels Coasting) -  308
Transfer from Pilotage Fees



002. SUB-OVERHEAD: Port security (310 - 314)

C.I.S.F. - Establishment 310

C.I.S.F. - Motor Vehicles 311

Other Security services 313

International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) code 314

5.GENERAL OVERHEADS: Management and General


(300 - 399)

003. SUB-OVERHEAD: Labour & Welfare Expenses (315 - 329)

Industrial Relation Office - Establishment 315

Expenditure on Canteen Facilities 318

School Buildings 322

Community Centre 324

Auditorium 326

Safety related expenditure   327


004. SUB-OVERHEAD: Medical Expenses (330 -339)

Medical Department Establishment 330

(To include expenditure relating to salaries of C.M.O. & Office staff and

all Office related expenditures)

Medical Department - Motor Vehicles 332

Port First Aid Service 334

Occupational Health unit 335

Port Hospital 336

Town Dispensary 338

(The Expenditure relating to salaries & wages, TA, LTC, of Medical

Officers and other staff attached to Port Hospital and Town Dispensary

shall be debited to respective cost centres. So also, the expenditure

relating to Hospital & Dispensary shall be debited to respective cost


005. SUB-OVERHEAD: Stores Keeping (340 -344)

Stores department – Establishment 340

006. SUB-OVERHEAD: Accounting and Auditing (345 - 349)

Accounts Department – Establishment 345

Accounts Department - Motor Vehicles 347

007. SUB-OVERHEAD: Electronic Data Processing Centre (349)

E.D.P.Centre 349

008. SUB-OVERHEAD: Expenditure on Library, Buildings etc., (350 - 364)

Library 350

Information Centre 354

C.I.S.F. Barracks 356

Tuticorin Guest House 357

5.GENERAL OVERHEADS: Management and General


(300 – 399)

Expenditure on Head Office Buildings Zone `A' 360

Expenditure on Head Office Buildings Zone `B' 361

Expenditure on Office Buildings at Berths, Jetties and Piers 362

Other Buildings 364

009. SUB-OVERHEAD: Engineering Services (365-374)

Operation & Maintenance of Motor Vehicles under

Common Pool - Buses 367

Operation & Maintenance of Motor Vehicles under

common Pool - Lorries & other vehicles 369

(Others include Tractor & Road Rollers)

Common Pool - Inspection Vehicles 370

Field Workshop 371

Marine Workshop (Zone-B) 372

Automobile Workshop 373

010. SUB-OVERHEAD: Engineering Administration and Overheads (375 -384)

A. Engineering Department - Civil

Civil Engineering Department - Establishment 375

Civil Engineering Department - Motor Vehicles 377

B. Engineering Department - Mechanical & Electrical

Mechanical & Electrical- Establishment 380

Power supply to Street lights 381

Mechanical & Electrical- Motor Vehicles 382

Operation & Maintenance of Public Addressing system,

Equipments, Projectors etc. 383

Line Losses 384

011. SUB-OVERHEAD: Sundry Expenses (385 - 399)

Implementation of Apprentices Act 385

Refund/Adjustment of excess collection of income/balance payment 386

Prizes, Scholarships and Awards 388

Payments under Workmen's Compensation Act 394

New Minor works - Management and General Administration 395

Depreciation - Management and General Administration 398

6. Finance and miscellaneous expenditure (476)

  1. Finance and Miscellaneous Expenditure 476

  1. transfer to revenue a/c. (non-operative in respect of expenditure codes)

8. Appropriations from Revenue Account

Revenue Account Appropriation – Repayment of Loans 901

Revenue Account Appropriation – General Insurance Fund 903

Revenue Account Appropriation – Welfare Fund 904

Revenue Account Appropriation – Family Security Fund 905

Revenue Account Appropriation –

Capital Asset Replacement Reserve 906

Revenue Account Appropriation – Reserve for

Development & Repayment of Loans & Contingencies 907

Revenue Account Appropriation – Pension Fund 908




Code and Principal Activity General Ledger Code

1 Cargo handling and Storage 200 - 299

2 Port and Dock charges 300 - 399

3 Railway Earnings 400 - 419

4 Estate Rentals 420 – 439

5 Management & General Overheads Non-Operative in respect of Income.

6 Finance and Miscellaneous Income 501 – 575

8 Transfer to Revenue Accounts 576 – 579

  1. Principal Activity: Cargo handling and storage (200-299)

001.Sub-Activity-Handling & Storage of Cargo (200-219)

Import Wharfage – Berths 201

Export Wharfage - Berths 202

Transhipment charges 211

002. Sub-Activity: Storage of Goods in Warehouses and open area (220 - 229)

Rent for covered space 221

Rent for open space 222

Storage Charges on Empty and Loaded Containers

(Stored within the Security Wall) 223

003. Sub-Activity: Cranage,Fork-Lifts and other handling Equipments (230 - 249)

Hire charges for Wharf-cranes 230

Hire Charges for Floating cranes 232

Hire charges for Mobile cranes 234

Cranage charges (Vessels Foreign) - 235
Transfer from Berth Hire charges

 Cranage charges (Vessels Coasting) - 236
Transfer from Berth Hire charges

Hire charges for Fork-Lift Trucks 238

Hire charges for Front End Loaders 240

1. Principal Activity: Cargo handling and storage (200-299)(Contd.,)

Hire charges for Top Lift Trucks 241

Hire charges for Other Cargo Handling Equipments 242

Hire charges for Barges and Lighters 246

004.Sub-Activity: Coal handling charges (250 - 254)

Import Wharfage - Coal Jetty 250

005.Sub-Activity: P.O.L. Handling charges (255 - 264)

Import Wharfage - Oil Jetty 255

Export Wharfage - Oil Jetty 257

006.Container Handing charges other than BOT Berths(261-265)

Container handling charges at Berths other than VII Berth - 261

007.Sub-Activity:Demurrage on General Cargo (275 - 279)

Demurrage on Cargo – Imports 275

Demurrage on Cargo - Exports 277

008.Sub-Activity:Miscellaneous Income (280 - 289)

Weighment charges 280

Sundry and other charges 285

Cleaning Charges levied on cargoes 286

Passenger Toll 287

009.Sub-Activity:Income from Private Operators (290 - 299)

Initial Payment from BOT Operator apportioned 290

Royalty Fees (Cargo handling activity) 291

Revenue share from private cargo handling equipment/plant operators 292

License Fee from Operator of Ferry Service - 296

2. Principal-Activity: Port and Dock charges (including Pilotage Fees) (300 - 399)

001.Sub-Activity: Towage and Mooring Fees (300 - 310)

Tug Hire charges (Pilotage) 300

Tug Hire – Others 306

002. Sub Activity: Dry Docking (311 - 314)

Dry Docking charges 313

003. Sub-Activity: Pilotage Fees (315 - 329)

Pilotage Fees on vessels - Foreign 315 (Including shifting Fees)

Capital Dredging Levy on Pilotage Fees (Vessels - Foreign) 316

Deemed Shipping Charges (Vessel Foreign) 317

Pilotage Fees on Vessels - Coasting 320 (Including shifting Fees)

Capital Dredging Levy on Pilotage Fees (Vessels - Coasting) 321

Deemed Shipping Charges (Vessels Coasting) 322

1. Principal Activity: Cargo handling and storage (200-299)

004.Sub-Activity: Berth Hire Charges (330 - 344)

Berth Hire charges on Vessels Foreign 330

Capital Dredging Levy on Berth Hire Charges

(Vessels – Foreign) 331

Anchorage Charges (Vessels Foreign) 332

Berth Hire Charges on Vessels Coasting 335

Capital Dredging Levy on Berth Hire Charges

(Vessels - Coasting) 336

Anchorage Charges (Vessels Coasting) 337

Berth Hire charges on P.O.L. Tankers - Foreign 340

Berth Hire charges on P.O.L. Tankers - Coasting 341

Capital Dredging Levy on Berth Hire Charges

(P.O.L. Tankers - Foreign) 342

Capital Dredging Levy on Berth Hire Charges

(P.O.L. Tankers - Coasting) 343

005.Sub-Activity: Port Dues (345 - 359)

Port Dues on Vessels - Foreign 345

Capital Dredging Levy on Port Dues (Vessels - Foreign) 346

Port Dues on Vessels - Coasting 350

Capital Dredging Levy on Port Dues (Vessels - Coasting) 351

Port Dues on Country Crafts 355

006.Sub-Activity: Water supply (360 - 369)

Water supply to Vessels by Barges 368

007.Sub-Activity: Salvage and Divers Fees (370 - 379)

Salvage Receipts 371

Divers Fees 373

008.Sub-Activity:Miscellaneous Income (380 - 399)

Hire of port Trust Flotilla 391

Cleaning Charges levied on Vessels- Berth 392

Inspection and Licence Fees 393

Other Receipts 395

3. Principal Activity: Railway Earnings (400-419)

001.Sub-Activity: Income out of Railway (400 - 419)

Earnings from shipping operation 401

Earnings from Private users 402

4. Principal Activity: Estate Rentals (420 - 439)

001.Sub-Activity: Income out of Rent (420 - 429)

Rent from Quarters 420

Outside Rent 423

Leased land 426

002.Sub-Activity: Miscellaneous Income (430 – 439)

Way Leave charges 430

Water Charges 435

Electricity charges 436

Overhead charges for supply of electricity to  Port Users/
Contractors excluding M/s. PSA SICAL and Residential Quarters – 437


6. Principal Head: Finance and Miscellaneous Income (501-575)

Interest on Investments on General Reserve 501

Interest on Investments – General Revenue 502

Interest on Investment – Escrow Fund 503

Interest on House Building Advance 511

Interest on Conveyance Advance 512

Interest on Computer Advance 513

Profit on sale\Redemption of Investments 521

Profit on Disposal of Capital Assets 523

Profit on Disposal of Surplus/scrap/ unserviceable materials 526

Sale of unclaimed goods 527

Tuticorin Guest House 536

Hire of staff cars etc. 538

Telephone call charges (including Telex charges) 539

Income relating to funds other than GPF, Pension fund and Gratuity Fund  540

Centage charges 545

Sale of tender documents 546

Storage charges on stores sold in auction. 547

Stores adjustments (Excess in Stock taking) 548

Fees from private patients 549

Recoverable overtime expenditure from Contractors or others 550

Harbour Entry Fee - Visitors 551

Harbour Entry Fee - Vehicles 552

6. Principal Head: Finance and Miscellaneous Income (501-575)

Harbour Entry Fee - Private Equipments 553

Harbour Entry Fee - Others 554

Lapsed Deposits 561

Other Income 570

Penalties 571

Items pertaining to previous year 575


Transfer from Capital Asset Reserve 576

Transfer from Capital Asset Replacement Reserve 577

Transfer from Reserve for Development and

Repayment of Loans and contingencies 578

Transfer from Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Reserve 579





Published Balance sheet Main Head General Ledger Code No.


002 Capital Reserves 400 - 415

201 Capital Reserves

202 Capital Assets Replacement Reserve

003 Revenue Reserves 416 - 430

301 General Reserves

302 Revenue Account – General

303 Reserve for Development & Repayment of Loans

& Contingencies

005 Depreciation on Capital Assets 431

006 Capital Debts 441 – 450

007 Pension & Other Funds 800 – 875

701 Pension Fund

702 General Provident Fund

703 HBA Special Family Benefit Fund

704 General Insurance Fund

705 Employees Welfare Fund

706 Family Security Fund

707 Escrow Fund

Published Balance sheet Main Head General Ledger Code No.

008 Current Liabilities 451 – 799

801 Salaries & Wages

802 Exgratia Payable under VRS

803 Creditors for Stores

804 Accrued Expenses

805 Unadjusted Sale proceeds of unclaimed goods &

Surplus Materials

806 Miscellaneous Creditors & Credit Balances

807 Deposits from Merchants & Others





021 Capital Assets at Original Cost 611 - 700

022 Investments
701 – 710

023 Current Assets
721 - 800

001 Stores and Materials

002 Sundry Debtors

003 Deposits

004 Accrued Interest

005 Payment in Advance and Debit Balances

006 Balance at Bank

007 Cash on Hand

031 Transaction regarding Funds 830 - 975

701 Pension Fund

702 General Provident Fund

703 HBA Special Family Benefit Fund

704 General Insurance Fund

705 Employees Welfare Fund

706 Family Security Fund

707 Escrow Fund


Published Balance General Ledger Explanation

Sheet Head Code Number

and Ledger Account

002 Capital Reserves

201 Capital Reserve 411

(Capital Reserve generally reflected the level of the Port Trust’s own funds invested in existing Capital Assets (appropriate amount should therefore be transferred to the account from Revenue Reserve to take into account any additional capital expenditure financed from Revenue earnings)

APPENDIX V (Contd..)

202 Capital Assets Replacement Reserve. 412

(The amount to be credited is 3% on capital employed towards the reserve for replacement, rehabilitation and modernization of capital Assets. Contribution meeting capital expenditure may be diverted from the reserve if necessary.)

003 Revenue Reserves

301 General Reserves 416

302 Revenue Account – General 421

(This account will be credited or debited with the balances of Revenue Income and expenditure accounts at the end of each year. The balance of this account after appropriation to or from specific resources or funds will be transferred to the General Reserve)

303 Reserve for Development & 422

Repayment of Loans & Contingencies

(The amount to be credited to this Reserve is 3% on Capital Employed)

Escrow Fund Account 423

Corporate Social Responsibility Fund 424

005 Depreciation on Capital Assets

501 Provision for Depreciation. 431

006 Capital Debts

601 Loans from Government 441

604 Loans from Other Institution 447

007 Pension & Other Funds

701 Pension Fund 860

Pension Fund – Interest on Investment 861

Pension Fund – Subscription from Other Organisation 863

Pension Fund – Contribution from Revenue account 864

Pension Fund – Due to Revenue Account/Other fund 865

Pension Fund – Other Income 869

702 General Provident Fund 840

General Provident Fund – Interest on Investment 841

General Provident Fund – Interest Suspense A/c 842

General Provident Fund – Subscription from Employees 843

General Provident Fund – Contribution from Rev account 844

General Provident Fund – Other Income 845

General Provident Fund – Due to Rev Account/Other fund 846

General Provident Fund - Subscription of Deputationists (To other organisations) 847


703 HBA Special Family Benefit Fund 850

HBA Special F.B.Fund – Interest on Investment 851

HBA Special F.B.Fund – Subscription from Employees 853

HBA Special F.B.Fund – Contribution from Revenue account 854

HBA Special F.B.Fund – Due to Revenue Account/Other fund 855

HBA Special F.B.Fund – Other Income 859

704 General Insurance Fund 800

General Insurance Fund – Interest on Investment 801

General Insurance Fund – Contribution from Revenue account 804

General Insurance Fund – Due to Revenue Account/Other fund 805

General Insurance Fund – Other Income 809

705 Employees Welfare Fund 830

Employees Welfare Fund – Interest on Investment 831

Employees Welfare Fund – Subscription from Employees 833

Employees Welfare Fund – Contribution from Revenue account 834

Employees Welfare Fund – Due to Revenue Account/Other fund 835

Employees Welfare Fund – Other Income 839

706 Family Security Fund 820

Family Security Fund – Interest on Investment 821

Family Security Fund – Subscription from Employees 823

Family Security Fund – Contribution from Revenue account 824

Family Security Fund – Due to Revenue Account/Other fund 825

Family Security Fund – Other Income 829


708 Gratuity Fund

Gratuity Fund 881

Gratuity Fund - Interest on Investment 884

Gratuity Fund - Contribution from Revenue Account 885

Gratuity Fund - Due to Revenue Account/Other Fund 886

Gratuity Fund - Other Income 887


008 Current Liabilities

801 Salaries and Wages Payable

Wages Payable 511

(The balance of this account will show the gross unpaid amount of salaries and wages including Trust's contribution to provident fund relating thereto.)


Unclaimed Wages 512

Provision for Ex-gratia payments in lieu of Bonus. 514

(This account will be credited at the end of each year with the amount of estimated liability for Ex-gratia payments in lieu of Bonus for the year. The Actual payments, when made in the subsequent year will be debited against the liability.)

802 Ex-gratia Payable under VRS

Ex-gratia Payable under VRS 467

803 Creditors for Stores

Sundry Creditors Account - General stores 516

(This represents the suspense head `Purchase' together with outstanding bill on account of direct purchases.)

Sundry Creditors Account - Marine Department -  Stores 517


804 Accrued Expenses

Property and other Taxes 521 Police/CISF 522 Rent 523 Audit Fees 524 Water Charges 525

Electricity Charges 526 Other charges 528 Interest Accrued – Government Loan 531

Interest Accrued on Loan from Other Institution 532

Payment to Contractors – Civil Works 533 Payment to Contractors – Mechanical Works 534

Payment to Contractors
– Electrical Works 535 Payment to Contractors – Marine Works 536

Payment to Contractors
– Stores Works 537 Payment to Contractors – Medical Works 538
Payment to Contractors – EDP Works 539



Payment to Contractors – Communication Works 540

Payment to Contractors – Other Works 545

Accrued Expenses – Provision for Taxation 546

805 Unadjusted Sale proceeds of unclaimed goods & Surplus Materials

Sale proceeds of unclaimed goods 551 Unadjusted sale proceeds of surplus materials 557 Sale proceeds of Capital Assets 558

(This account will be Credited with the sale proceeds of capital assets only. At the end of each year, the accumulated proceeds will be adjusted with the book value (i.e. Cost LESS Depreciation) of the assets and net balance transferred to Revenue Account as profit or loss on account of disposal of capital assets.)

806 Miscellaneous Creditors & Credit Balances


Income Tax Deducted in respect of EDP & Communication works 559

Sales Tax Deducted in respect of EDP & Communication works 560

Sales Tax – Works Section 562

Interest on Miscellaneous Deposits 563

Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme. 564

 Sales Tax – Mechanical Works 565

Sales Tax – Establishment Section 566

Income Tax - Sethusamudram Ship canal project – Deposit Work 567

Income Tax – Civil works bill less than Rs. 25,000/- 568

Income Tax – Mechanical works bill less than Rs. 25,000/- 569

Tax Collected at Source on Scrap Sales, Parking Lot etc., 570

Income Tax – Works Bill passed by Finance Department 571 Income Tax - Pay bills Section 572 Income Tax -Works/Materials – Non residential contractors 573

Income Tax - Pay bills /Contract Employees - Professionals 574

Income Tax – Establishment Section 575

Service Tax – Revenue Section – I 576

Service Tax – Revenue Section – II 577

Income Tax - Pay bills /Contract Employees - Non Professionals 578

Service Tax on Renting of Immovable property 579

Income Tax - Mechanical Works more than Rs.25,000/- 580

Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to Thrift Societies 581

Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to Co-operative Stores 582

Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to Unions & Associations 583




Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to Welfare Club 584

Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to LIC 585

Subscriptions & recoveries from Employees to PLI 586

Recoveries from Employees (Court Attachment) 587

Recoveries from Employees (Deputationist) 588

Recoveries from Employees (HBA Insurance) 589

Amount payable to Users / User agencies other than Estates 590

Recoveries from Employees (Marriage Advance from Welfare Fund) 591

Miscellaneous creditors – Credit balances recovered from 592

Recoveries from Employees (Unit Trust of India) 593

Professional Tax – Pay bills 594 Miscellaneous pay Roll Deductions 595

Income Tax deducted in respect of Marine Works 596

Income Tax deducted in respect of Medical Works 597

Sales Tax deducted in respect of Marine Works 598

Sales Tax deducted in respect of Medical Works 599

(This account will show the balance of deduction made from Salaries and Wages, other than Income Tax and Provident Fund. The detailed records would comprise accounts such as Officer clubs, Port Trust staff Welfare Clubs, Employees Co-operative Bank, C.T.D., Water and Electricity charges etc.,)

Miscellaneous creditors 600

Provisional for fluctuation in Market price of Investment 601

Amount due from Revenue account to Other Funds

-- General Insurance Fund 602

-- Family Security Fund 604

-- Welfare Fund 605

-- General Provident Fund 606

-- HBA Special Family Benefit Fund 607 -- Pension Fund 608

--New Pension Fund Scheme -- Employer 609

--New Pension Fund Scheme -- Employee 610

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Finance Department -  008 806 L611

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Civil Engg. Department -  008 806 L612

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Mechanical and Electrical Engg.  Department -  008 806 L613

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Marine Department -  008 806 L614

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - General Administration  Department -  008 806 L615

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Traffic Department -  008 806 L616

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - Medical Department -  008 806 L617

Port's and Contractors Contribution to E.S.I Scheme - EDP Centre -   008 806 L618

Education Cess on Service Tax on Port Services - 621

Secondary and Higher Education Cess on Service Tax on  Port Services - 622

Education Cess on Service Tax on Mandap - 623

Secondary and Higher Education Cess on Service Tax on  Mandap  - 624

Education Cess on Service Tax on Renting of Immovable properties - 625

Secondary and Higher Education Cess on Service Tax on Renting of Immovable properties  - 626

Income Tax - Retiries - 627

807 Deposits from Merchants & Others

Deposits - For Wharfage Charges 631

Deposits - For Storage Charges 632

Deposits - For other Equipment Hire Charges 634

Deposits – Overtime payment to Customs 635

Deposits - For Port Dues, Pilotage Fees and Berth Hire Fees 641

Deposits - For Railway Siding Charges 645

Deposits - For Lease Rent (Open Lands) 651

Deposits - For Lease Rent - Buildings 652



Deposits - For Electricity Charges 653

Deposits – Lease rent upfront premium 654

Deposits Water Charges 655

Oil Pollution Cess collected - 656

Deposits - For Other charges 660

Earnest Money Deposits - Civil works 661

Earnest Money Deposits - Mechanical works. 664

Earnest Money Deposits - Electrical 665

Earnest Money Deposits - Marine Works 666

Earnest Money Deposits - Stores Works 670

Earnest Money Deposits - Medical Works 671 Earnest Money Deposits - EDP Works 672

Earnest Money Deposits - Communication Works 673

Earnest Money Deposits - Other Works 679

Security Deposits – Civil Works 681 Security Deposits – Mechanical Works 682

Security Deposits – Electrical Works 683

Security Deposits – Marine Works 684 Security Deposits – Stores Works 685 Security Deposits – Medical Works 686 Security Deposits – EDP Works 687 Security Deposits – Communication Works 688 Security Deposits – Other Works 689

Security Deposits from Staff (in cash or in F.D) 690

Provision for TDS refundable to user L698

Miscellaneous Deposit 699

Deposit – Deposit Work to be done by the Chief Engineer. 701

Deposit – Deposit Work to be done by the Chief Mechanical Engineer. 702

Deposit - Deposit Work to be done by the Deputy Conservator. 703

Stevedore Licence Deposit 704

Miscellaneous Deposits 705

Contribution from Port Users for Pollution control equipment 706

Amount Deposited by NLC towards construction of NCB-I 707

Ship Chandling Licence Deposits 708


Provision for deferred tax liability 711

Provision for taxation  712


Published Balance General Ledger Explanation Sheet Head Code Number

and Ledger Account

(These accounts (code Nos. 611 to 700) would record the expenditure incurred on the acquisition of the respective assets. The accounts should be started from the balances prepared from an analysis of Capital Property Registers. Each year, the accounts would be debited with the expenditure incurred on the acquisition of assets and credited with cost of Assets written off.)

021 Capital Assets at Original Cost

001 Land 611

002 Capital Dredging 612

003 Building sheds and other Structures

Transit Sheds 613

Warehouses 614

Residential Bulidings 615

Other structures 616

Minor Structures 617

004 Wharves, Roads & Boundaries

Wharves & Pavement 621

Boundary Walls & Fence 622

Roads 623

Drains, Culverts 624

Bridges 625

005 Floating Craft 631

006 Railways and Rolling Stock

Locomotives 636

Railway Permanent Way 638

Signalling & Interlocking 639

007 Docks, Seawalls, Piers and Navigational Aids

Docks walls, Piers and Jetties 641

Dry Dock 642

Fenders, Buoys and Mooring 644

Navigational Aids - Structures 646

Navigational Aids - Equipment 647




008 Cranes and Vehicles

Mobile Cranes 651 (Includes Fork Lift Trucks and Front End Loaders)

Wharf Cranes 652

Vehicles 653

009 Plant and Machinery

Workshop Machine Tools 661

Other Machinery 664

Water Cooler 665

Weigh Bridges and weighing Machines 666

010 Installation for Water, Electricity, Telecommunication and Fire Fighting

Electric Supply Distribution and Lighting 671

Telephone and Telecommunication 672

Water supply hydraulic pressure and return water pipe 673

Fire Fighting Installation Equipment. 674

012 Capital Works in Progress 679

(This account will be debited with all the expenditure incurred in respect of Capital assets under construction. Detailed works Register may be maintained. On completion of the assets, the aggregate cost will be credited to this account and debited to appropriate Capital assets account. The works Register may be used as Subsidiary Register for the above purpose but the amount should be transferred from the Register only on completion of the works.)


022 Investments

General Reserve Fund 701

Contribution to Sethusamudram Corporation Ltd. 709


001 Stores and Materials

General Stores 721

Marine Department -  Stores 722

Chief Engineer's Stores (Materials At Site A/C) 723



002 Sundry Debtors

Debtor's Control Account - Traffic Services 731

Debtor's Control Account - Marine Services 732

Debtor's Control Account - Railway Services 733

Debtor's Control Account - Workshop Services 734

Debtor's Control Account – Mechanical & Electrical Services 735

Debtor's Control Account – Civil Works 736

Debtor's Control Account – Other Miscellaneous Services 737

Debtors - Long Term Lease - Open Area 738

Debtors - Short Term Lease - Open Area 739

Debtors - Rent for Building (Outside Area) 740

Doubtful Debts 741

Amount Recoverable from Contractors or other parties towards engagement of employees on overtime A742

(These accounts will be debited with the charges for the various services rendered during the year subject to recovery or adjustment by credit to the relevant receipt head.)

003 Deposits

Miscellaneous Deposits 743

004 Accrued Interest

Accrued Interest on Investments - General Revenue 751

Accrued Interest on Investments relating to Escrow Fund 752

005 Payment in Advance and Debit Balances

Advance for purchases 761

Advance for purchases (Marine Stores) 762

Advance to Employees in respect of T.A (Official tours) 765

Advance to Employees availing Leave Travel Concession 766

Advances to Other Institution 768

Advance payment of Income Tax 769

Conveyance Advance 771

Festival Advance 772

Computer Advance 773

Flood Advance 776

Medical Advance Recoverable 777

Draught Advance 778

Reimbursement of Stipend from Government 779

APPENDIX V (Contd..)


Sethusamudram Ship canal project 780

Advance to Contractors 781

Electricity charges recoverable from Contractors & Other Parties 782

Miscellaneous claims Recoverable 783

Miscellaneous advances recoverable including Education Tour Advance784

Recoverable travelling allowances payments 785

House Building Advance 786

Sinking Fund - Due from Revenue account /Other to Fund 787

Deferred Revenue Expenditure 788

Suspense Account - Internal Transfers 789

(This account will be temporary resting place for entries until they are finally allocated to the appropriate account heads)

Inaugural function expenditure – Sethu 790

Permanent Imprest 791

Temporary Imprest 792

Coastal Communities Development Programme under SSCP  793

Reimbursement of Operation and Maintenance Expenses in respect of Oil Spill Response Equipment 794

TDS from interest on investment 795

TDS from lease rent 796

TDS amount due on Port charges 797

Escrow Fund - TDS Recovery on Interest 798

Service Tax paid by Port eligible for credit adjustment 799

Excise duty paid by  Port eligible for credit adjustment 800


006 Balance at Bank

Fixed Deposit – General Revenue 801

Fixed Deposits - Escrow Fund Account 802

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in Syndicate Bank (Harbour) - Non EDI operations 803

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in Syndicate Bank (Harbour)  - EDI operations -  804

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in Indian Overseas Bank

(Harbour) 805

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in State Bank of India

(Harbour) 806

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in State Bank of India

(Town) - Non  EDI operations -  807

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in State Bank of Travancore

(Town) 808

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue in State Bank of India

(Town) - EDI operations -  809

Savings Bank Account – UTI Bank Ltd., 811

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue - ICICI Bank Ltd.,Tuticorin  812

General Revenue – IOB Harbour – No lien account 813

New Scheme Pension Fund  814

SB A/C - General Revenue - EDI Operation - Andhra Bank, Tuticorin  815

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue - IDBI Bank Ltd.,Tuticorin  816

Savings Bank Account – General Revenue - Union Bank, Tuticorin  817



007 Cash on Hand

Cash on Hand – General Revenue 818

Investment Transfers to Revenue Account II 820

Cash Transfers to Revenue Account II 821

031 Transaction regarding Funds 830 - 975

701 Pension Fund

Pension Fund – Payment to Pensions 851

Pension Fund – Commutation of Pension 852 Pension Fund – Transfer to Funds 854

Pension Fund – Gratuity Payments 855

Pension Fund – Recurring Payments 856

Pension Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 859

Pension Fund – Investment 860

Pension Fund – Fixed Deposit 861

Pension Fund – Savings Bank A/c – State Bank of India 862

Pension Fund – Cash on Hand 863

Pension Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 864

Pension Fund – Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 865

Pension Fund – Savings Bank A/c – State Bank of Travancore 866

Pension Fund – TDS from interest on investments & Fixed deposits 867

702 General Provident Fund

General Provident Fund – Withdrawals 871

General Provident Fund – Advance from Fund 872

General Provident Fund – Final Withdrawal 873

General Provident Fund – Transfer to Funds 874

General Provident Fund – Interest on GPF Fund 875

General Provident Fund – Recurring Payments 876

General Provident Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 879

General Provident Fund – Investment 880

General Provident Fund – Fixed Deposit 881

General Provident Fund – Savings Bank A/c – Syndicate Bank 882

General Provident Fund – Cash on Hand 883

General Provident Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 884

General Provident Fund – Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 885

TDS on GPF investments - 886

General Provident Fund – Advance Interest paid on final withdrawal 887




General Provident Fund - TDS from interest on investments & Fixed deposits 886

703 Employees HBA Special Family Benefit Fund

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Liquidation of Loan 891

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Transfer to Funds 894

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 899

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Investment 900

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Fixed Deposit 901

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Savings Bank A/c –

State Bank of India 902

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Cash on Hand 903

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 904

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund – Due from Revenue Account/

Other Funds 905

Employees HBA Special F.B.Fund - TDS from interest on investments &

Fixed deposits 906

704 General Insurance Fund

General Insurance Fund – Transfer to Funds 914

General Insurance Fund – One Time Payments 915

General Insurance Fund – Recurring Payments 916

General Insurance Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 919

General Insurance Fund – Investment 920

General Insurance Fund – Fixed Deposit 921

General Insurance Fund – Savings Bank A/c –

State Bank of India (Harbour) 922

General Insurance Fund – Cash on Hand 923

General Insurance Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 924

General Insurance Fund – Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 925

General Insurance Fund - TDS from interest on investments &

Fixed deposits 926

General Insurance Fund – Withdrawals from Fund 931

705 Employees Welfare Fund

Employees Welfare Fund – Final Settlement 932

Employees Welfare Fund – Transfer to Funds 933

Employees Welfare Fund – Contribution to Sports Council 934

APPENDIX V (Contd..)


Employees Welfare Fund – Contribution to Canteen 935

Employees Welfare Fund – Contribution to Welfare Club 936

Employees Welfare Fund – Screening of Hindi Films 937

Employees Welfare Fund – One Time Payments – Donations 938

Employees Welfare Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 939

Employees Welfare Fund – Marriage Advance to Employees 942

Employees Welfare Fund – Loans to Thrift Society 946

Employees Welfare Fund – Loans to Others 947

Employees Welfare Fund – Investment 950

Employees Welfare Fund – Fixed Deposit 951

Employees Welfare Fund – Savings Bank A/c – State Bank of India 952

Employees Welfare Fund – Cash on Hand 953

Employees Welfare Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 954

Employees Welfare Fund – Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 955

Employees Welfare Fund - Savings Bank A/c – Syndicate Bank 956

Employees Welfare Fund - TDS from interest on investments &

Fixed deposits 957

706 Family Security Fund

Family Security Fund – Repayment of Subscription 961

Family Security Fund – Final Settlement - Exgratia 962

Family Security Fund – Transfer to Funds 964

Family Security Fund – One Time Payments 965

Family Security Fund – Recurring Payments 966

Family Security Fund – Miscellaneous Expenditure 969

Family Security Fund – Investment 970

Family Security Fund – Fixed Deposit 971

Family Security Fund – Savings Bank A/c – I.O.B. (Harbour) 972

Family Security Fund – Cash on Hand 973

Family Security Fund – Accrued Interest on Investment 974

Family Security Fund – Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 975

Family Security Fund - TDS from interest on investments &

Fixed deposits 976

APPENDIX V (Contd..)



708 Gratuity Fund

Gratuity Fund - Gratuity Payments 981

Gratuity Fund - Transfer to Funds 982

Gratuity Fund - Miscellaneous Expenditure 983

Gratuity Fund - Investment 984

Gratuity Fund - Fixed Deposit 985

Gratuity Fund - Savings Bank A/c 986

Gratuity Fund - Cash on Hand 987

Gratuity Fund - Accrued Interest on Investment 988

Gratuity Fund - Due from Revenue Account/Other Funds 989

Gratuity Fund -  TDS from interest on investments and fixed Deposits 990